SIDI Token


SIDI Token on your Hardware Hub Device:

On the SIDI token main screen, you can choose one of three possible roles to work on the creation of SIDI tokens. The possible roles are: Sand Digger: This role mints SidiSand tokens and sends them to the next role

  • Brick Burner: This role uses SidiSand tokens to mints SidiBrick tokens and sends them to the next role

  • Brick Layer: This role uses SidiBrick tokens to mint the final SIDI tokens

After the Brick Layer role completes SIDI Tokens they will be distributed to one of the minters in each role group. You can choose your current role freely at any time and change it as often as you want. This operation will cost a very small amount of ZENIQ Tokens as a network fee. Additionally, there is a help screen and a token overview screen available where you can view your current balances for all tokens.

Last updated